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Allow visibility of failed payments to help self-serve supporting end customers

I’ve had a couple of scenarios now where a customer has attempted to make a payment but it failed to go through. Their first port of call is to contact me to see if it’s an issue my side.

However, I don’t have any visibility of these transactions in the dashboard so am unable to advice the customer. This requires me to contact support to handle, which can take weeks to resolve.

It would be nice to see visibliy of the following:

  1. Payment attempted but there was a technical error (so that I can communicate this to the customer and raise it with support)

  2. Payment declined (so that I can confirm it WAS their bank even if their bank says otherwise)

Having visiblity of this will also help me see if my marketing is attracting the wrong type of client, or if my price is too high that the bank is rejecting due to insufficent funds.

User Story:
As a store owner, I would like to see a list of failed payments so that I can promptly advise a customer whether the issue is their bank, or a technical issue

a month ago